South Carolina One-ups Clemson (Again)

In a case of "ours is better than yours," the University of South Carolina decided to "one-up" the rival Clemson Universtity. Well, that happens a lot in South Carolina as evidenced by USC beating Clemson in football four years in a row plus making them a second class citizen in collegiate baseball. Let's just say "back-to-back" national champs. Now it seems we are making improvements that outshine the "team from the Upstate."

Recently, the USC board of trustees gave approval to the funding for the new practice fields and indoor practice facility. So you be the judge, which is better…

Here is South Carolina's planned indoor facility –

Here is the Clemson indoor facility –

I know these are renderings but even through them you see the garnet as the winner but we are bias, right?

About flounder

Two-time grad of THE University of South Carolina.
